Gender is a social construct. The world is always changing, but human beings haven’t changed nearly as much as some people think. There is ample evidence to indicate […]
The Difference Between Transgender And Transexual
It’s important to start looking into the differences between transgender and transsexual. This article is going to point to the difference, so it’s easier to define what each […]
Are Mail Order Husbands a Good Option? For Women or Men Seeking a Partner Overseas
Where love and connection often transcend geographical barriers, the concept of the mail-order husband has emerged as an intriguing option for those seeking meaningful relationships that cross borders. […]
Disaster In Florida: Federal Appeals Court Okays Conversion Therapy
Conversion therapy is the practice of “teaching” a gay person to be straight. These practices do not work. They have been consistently debunked by researchers and members of […]
Why Do Lawyers Target Injured LGBT Workers When Searching For New Clients?
If you perform a quick Google search for LGBTQ workers compensation attorneys, you’ll find more than one direct match which might be surprising since workers compensation is all […]